Saltspring Soapworks
A reasonably comprehensive set of shampoo bar questions and answers
We’ve made shampoo bars for years (nearly 20). In that time, we’ve answered a lot of questions about them. So, we’ve compiled these into one long shampoo bar Q&A.

What’s new at Saltspring Soapworks?
We have moved right into fall here on Salt Spring Island with leaves turning and the first fall wind storm approaching tonight.
We wanted to update you on a few happenings here and the exciting new...

Natural and Organic
The hallmark of the master soap maker (updated)
As humans and a family of traditional soap makers we are devastated by the continued destruction of life in Syria and the Allepo soapmaking region. Hopefully there can be an end to the suffering in...

Natural Ingredients
Why we are raising some our prices
I don’t want to write this post; but, I must. Although you probably don’t want to pay more for Saltspring Soapworks products, the title of this post is accurate. The price of some of our goods is g...
Cosmetic Ingredients
There is lots and lots of change going on in this great world and in Saltspring Soapwork's world, this is also true. The past year has brought us great changes. A new generation of company managem...
We recently did an upgrade to our soap manufacturing equipment and after decades of soap-making with a variety of hand-made equipment it was time for a move to the future. Well, we have already out...
Weights, measures, and soapmaking—Is it science or magic?
A traditional, handmade, cold process soap is a wonderful indulgence. Much thought and science goes into a batch, large or small. Carefully sourced base oils, essential oils, flower petals, clays e...
The shave
The Shave . A commitment of time and talent. . Skin, heated towel, steel sharpened, water and creamy lather. Day in Day out, this is where it all comes together. Or not. Beards need skill and hardw...
Market season has started
Here we go again,Another Salt Spring Island Saturday Market season has started.I must confess, I love vending at our Saturday market.
This is a time when I get to reconnect with our customers fa...