New Arrivals
Discover the latest in luxury and care with our New Arrivals. From innovative skincare to thoughtfully crafted home essentials, each product is designed to elevate your daily routine and bring a touch of freshness to your life.
Our most hydrating, silky–smooth soak for dry, irritated skin
Oatmeal Coconut Milk Therapeutic Soak
Sale price$29.95 CAD
A deep detox soak to help sweat out toxins and balance the body's PH.
Mustard Seed Therapeutic Soak
Sale price$29.95 CAD
Our mineral-rich sea salt locally harvested near Salt Spring Island
Salt Spring Therapeutic Soak
Sale price$29.95 CAD
A nourishing exfoliation to hydrate and revitalize in bath or shower
Saltspring Sea Salt Scrub
Sale price$49.95 CAD
A moisture-rich, lightly tinted balm that protects lips from sun and wind.
Tinted Rose Hibiscus Lip Balm
Sale price$7.95 CAD
A moisture-rich citrusy sweet balm that protects lips from sun and wind.
Orange Vanilla Lip Balm
Sale price$7.95 CAD